Sfora Nakielska jest tam bardzo znana i lubiana :)
Staramy się,oprócz naszego stowarzyszenia zapraszać innych "zakręconych pozytywnie psiarzy".
Oto podziękowanie.
On the 8th of May our sled-dog lovers association "Sfora Nakielska" took part in our local country trade fair in Minikowo. It was our 12th time already !! Twice a year our team participate in those events and try to present our sled-dogs to the visitors in a very interactive way which they LOVE each and every time :)We also got a thank you note.
All photos were taken by Agata Kros- the owner of a very beautiful Aranka.
Widzowie tez mogli spróbować swych sił np. na hulajnodze.
Visitors loved the idea of being part of our show.
Wspaniale tańczyli na targach.
One of our members is a singer and dancer at the local folk group "Krajna"
Guys would probably like this girl to be a member of our association.
BBQ time !!
Pozdrawiam wszystkich zagladających. Best greetings to all.
HA Ha a Jacek oczywiście koło jedzonka !!!!
OdpowiedzUsuńNo ba :)