Był tak namolny, że w końcu wsadziłam go do niego.
Nie był przestraszony, a wręcz przeciwnie, spodobało mu się :)
Wyglądało to na zabawę w chowanego.
It looks like our "golden boy" has stolen not only our hearts. I have received many emails asking for more photos of "Chocolate, so here they are. I have no idea what I was doing with that pot in the garden but all the puppies were very curious about it, Chocolate in particular. He was so pushy that I decided to put him inside. It really looked like he was playing hide and seek.
Ready or not here I come :)
Jestem/ here I am
Nie ma mnie/ and I`m gone
Jestem / here I am again
I znowu mnie nie ma :) / and Im gone
Garnek wzbudza ciekawość/ They are all so curious
Teraz przeżywa prawdziwe oblężenie. As you can see, simple things bring the most fun.
Ze względu na jego "urok osobisty", mąż nazwał go ... CZARUSIEM.
Beacuse of his charm my husband calls him "prince charming" now.
Mam nadzieję, że nie zanudziłam nikogo./ hope you liked the photos and did not get bored ;)