Masę ciekawych i jakże ważnych informacji na temat tej rasy, znajdziecie na stronie Klubu Rasy Alaskan Malamute KRAM
Razem z mężem jestemy czlonkami KRAMu.
Alaskan Malamute is an extraordinary dog. It is a wonderful mixture between a wild wolf`s beauty and gentleness and friendliness towards people. In many publishings you may find information that AM is not a dog for every body, and that is the truth. When deciding about getting a dog we, most of the time, base our choice on its good looks, leaving its character, temperament, attitute and abilities aside. Therefore, it must be a sensible decision.
Please read more about this fabulous breed on the Alaskan Malamute Breed Club (KRAM in Polish ;). Both with my husband we are members of KRAM
Jako pierwsze w naszej hodowli pojawiły się alaskan malamute
I tak zamieszkała z nami Enia z Rubinkowego Pola
Enia z Rubinkowskiego Pola was our very first dog in our kennel and our first Alaskan Malamute.
Potem zawitał do nas Emir, brat Enii, szukał domu, groził mu pobyt w schronisku...jest z nami do tej pory.
Some time later we heard about her brother Emir looking for a new family. We could not let him end up in a dog pound so it was an obvious decision for us. Emir will live with us ! He is a great member of our family till now.
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